Wednesday, August 27, 2008

$tAcKs...NO...EuR0s oN DEcK!!

Last night we went out... we?.. kay, rik, nik and myself... hi5 was the destination... followed up by the infamous PB's... it was niki's last time chilling with us... she's leaving the country for awhile... she will be missed *tear*...

enough of that... here's what took place

N!k! and M3

tH3 FoReMAn gR!LL

cHeCk tHe F00tWoRk

tHAnX, zAyToUN

PeAChEs AnD R!k

C00Rs, cUt tHe Ch3CK

I sEE eURos, tHaTs RiGhT pLuRaL  


$1 bEERs

sH0WiN sUm Sk!N



Niki McNeill Brown said...

i'm gonna miss u guys tooooo.

good times, good times!!

Anonymous said...

Too much fun for an effin Tuesday :-)

WaT !t HiiT 4...