Tuesday, January 19, 2010

tHe BoX iiS mY DRuG

The Red Ring....
yes, i experienced it. 2 weeks ago.
shipped it, they fixed it
and i just received it today.
the process took about two weeks

i was going crazy without my baby...
if you're not a gamer,
you wouldn't understand

I'm happy now
Probably gonna spend my night shootin' and stabbin'


Dre' Leon said...

hit me back with your gamer tag cuz...

Niki McNeill Brown said...

hey coco!! :)

Dre' Leon said...

congrats on getting it back...its a great feeling ain't it. its happened to me twice. first time it was the motherboard and the second time it was the battery adapter.

georgeTANNER said...

gamertag is H0TtubT0NY... those are zeros not O's

Dre' Leon said...

cool saw your friend request...i added you.

WaT !t HiiT 4...