Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Today marks the 7th year since the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York. Since then, America has gone into a recession, a black man has received the democratic nomination, Phelps won 8 medals at the olympics, the Dream team is now the Redemption team, Hip-Hop died, was born again, then I think it died a couple more times but is good now, Jordans went from $110 to $150-$300, there are still no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Bin Laden is still hiding, Sudam is dead though, 147,300 troops are still in Iraq, 4,469 have died, $12 billion American dollars are being spent ever month in Iraq; thats $5,000 per second, $390,000 per solider per year, 132 journalists killed, and estimates count 50,000 to 600,000 Iraqi civilians casualties. Its said that it took God 6 days to create earth and he rested on the 7th. Well look at what Bush has done with 2 terms. Turned it into hell, right? We can't put all the blame on him though, he had help. Lots of help.

Obama might not be the answer we have been looking for, but damn it he'll will be a change. Lets say for the good.

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